Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (2024)

updated: March 16, 2023

Stephen A. Hanco*ck

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (2)

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra – Our choice!

  • Floor Mops
  • Top-rated Floor Mopping Robots

Who doesn’t want to automate cleaning, especially mopping? Before you rush out to buy the best robot mop on the market, you’ll want to browse our 2023 reviews of the top sellers. Not all mopping robots are created equal. Robotic mops have made a quantum leap lately with features such as self-emptying docks, the ability to clean themselves, sonic technology that scrubs floors up to 3,000 times per minute, and automatic refilling of onboard water tanks from a reservoir located in the base.

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What kind of robot mop options are available

You essentially have three robot mop options available on the market rated by efficiency and price:

  1. Buy a Robot Mop and Vacuum Hybrid – Known also as “two-in-one machines”, these consummate multitaskers allow you to vacuum and mop—sometimes, simultaneously. In the last few years, two-in-one machines have come a long way. They used to be vastly inferior to robots that handled a single task, such as vacuuming. Some of them are impressive performers, such as the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra model, for example.

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (12)

    Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra – Best Hybrid Robot

    Nowadays, there’s only one thing that they don’t struggle with: long dried stains. Cutting edge features such as sonic mopping, automatic lifting of the mop so it doesn’t drench your carpet, and multi-layer air filtration to keep dust and dirt inside the dock make these robotic machines indispensable for anyone wanting an effortless way to keep their home sparkling clean.

  2. Buy a Single Function Robot Mop – Maybe you already have a robot vacuum or prefer to vacuum manually. Whatever the reason, if you’d rather just have a robot with a wet mopping function, you should look at the iRobot Braava Jet m6 model.

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (13)

    Single-function robot mop is likely to provide a better cleaning

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (14)

    The entire design of a single function appliance is dedicated to that one job, so a robot mop can concentrate all its energy on wet mopping your floor. These models usually spray water directly on the floor to soften up dirt and stains while using some form of agitation to scrub the spot. This means it’s likely to provide a more thorough cleaning.

  3. Buy a cleaning duo – This means getting both a robot mop plus a separate robot vacuum that work together. We think this is the most efficient but also the most expensive option. The best example of such a dynamic duo is the iRobot Roomba s9+ & Braava Jet m6.

    These two devices sync to one another so that when the vacuum is done with its cycle, the mop then sets out to clean the freshly-swept hard floors. Right now, iRobot has cornered the market on these pairings, but we have no doubt other manufacturers will soon step up with their own combos.

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (15)

Below you will find a full rating table we created after thorough analysis of the features and performance of top-selling models from highly respected brands. In this table, we based the ratings first on mopping performance, then on all other functions such as vacuuming. For more sophisticated and thorough vacuuming power, we encourage you to explore our list of the top-performing robotic vacuum cleaners.

Stephen A. Hanco*ck

Robotics Expert

No matter what option you choose, though, you’re making an intelligent investment in yourself, your time, and your home.

Robotic mops are a great addition and an amazing compliment to anyone’s collection of cleaning tools. However, it’s important to remember that while they are incredibly effective and so useful at helping make your cleaning routine easier, they are not a total replacement for periodic deep manual cleaning.

Maintaining Your Home

The beauty of these innovative machines is that they will take what was once a near-daily task and turn it into something you only need to worry about periodically, and that’s only if you want to keep your home completely spotless. But the days of worrying about needing to mop up every drop spilled on your floor will be a thing of the past once you invest in a robot mop!

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (16)

Robots made manual daily mopping a thing of the past

Personally, to maintain a spotless home, we recommend keeping a bi-monthly cleaning routine to maintain a pristine home. Of course, this all depends on your own home and how much is happening within it. A large family in a big home with many people eating, drinking, and living in the same space may need more attention than a small apartment with one person living in it.

Thankfully, with the careful, consistent help of your robotic mop, these periodic cleans will be easier than ever.


Hybrid Vs Combo: Why Bother With A Floor Mopping Robot

To robot mop or not to robot mop, that is the question. We’re always looking for the next cool gadget we can control with an app or voice commands in our tech-loving time.

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (17)

Multifunctional Robots Provide Convenience and Deep Floor Cleaning!

Robot vacuum and mop developers are listening. As more models arrive on the market, more improvements and innovations are coming while prices decrease. Where there was a time where you couldn’t find a robot vacuum for less than $1000, you can now get both robot vacuums and mops starting at prices below $200.

There are multifunctional machines that offer both robot vacuum and mop capabilities, also known as hybrid or combination machines. While not necessarily as powerful as single-function devices, they provide multiple degrees of convenience and make a great compliment to your cleaning routine.

What you WON’T get with a robot mop is a heavy-duty cleaning machine. They’ll never quite match the cleaning power of a traditional mop. You will always be the better mopper since you have almighty elbow grease and a smarter brain.

Are Robot Mops Worth It

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (18)

Very few June Cleavers exist today. Even full-time moms are busy with side jobs, children’s activities, volunteering, laundry, dishes, grocery shopping… finding time to keep floors clean is hard. We often wait until we’re wading through cat litter or sticking to Kool-Aid spots before we break out the cleaning equipment because it’s just so time-consuming and tiring.

That’s where robot mops and vacuums can really save the day. You have to be realistic. Don’t wait until your floor is hidden under dirt to send these out. They’ll make a streaky path through it, get upset, and go back to their dock to escape.

The best thing to do is, once you give your floors a thorough sweeping or mopping, THEN set these guys up to run on a daily schedule. That will lengthen the time needed between deep cleanings, which in turn will save you time, energy, and cat litter sticking to your feet.

Robot Mops Are Maintenance Tools

It bears repeating: don’t throw out your mop and bucket. For heavy-duty cleaning, nothing beats a scrubbing with an excellent hand-held mop. Robot mops are best for maintenance between manual mopping sessions. They can take care of daily pet shedding and food splatters.

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (19)

Some of the current models are gentle on delicate surfaces such as wood floors. Instead of only a strong jet of water, which can damage wood, some robot mops now use a slow drip with microfiber cloths. Some even act as dust mops. The most advanced models can be controlled with apps or voice control, and some can interact with other smart home devices.

When looking for a robotic mop, keep in mind that the tech isn’t on par with robot vacuums, especially when it comes to smart navigating and timed schedules. Robot mops with water tanks are a bit more challenging because the volume is limited, so large rooms may require a couple of refills.

For true “automation” during a workday, for instance, a robot mop might not clean your whole kitchen or family room, but could tackle the foyer or a bedroom or bathroom. Larger spaces will often require some babysitting.

What To Look For When Buying A Robotic Mop:

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (20)

Choose your Model with Charging Dock

  1. Battery life: Robot mops for larger homes should have batteries that last around 90 minutes, where apartments and condos can get away with 60 minutes of runtime. Look for models that can return to the charging dock automatically so you won’t have to babysit them as much.
  2. Sensors: Your robot should be able to sense obstacles such as walls, rugs, and carpeting. Higher tech models can also map the floorplan. Many mop robots can’t tell one floor type from another, however, but they often come with some type of virtual barrier so you can block off carpeted areas.
  3. Setup: The simpler it is to charge, program, and fill water tanks, the better. If you’re not a tech lover, you may want to steer clear of those models that require WiFi and smartphone apps to operate them.

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (21)

  4. Apps: Tech lovers love this feature in today’s “smart” mops. If available, apps should be intuitive, meaning you shouldn’t need a computer science degree and 5 hours to get to the menu you want. Look for those with apps that have the most practical features, such as scheduling and no-go zones.
  5. Performance: Under real-life situations, your robot mop should clean various hard floors without damaging them while picking up lots of grime in the microfiber cloth. If the cloth isn’t dirty when done, either your floor is already spotless, or the mop itself isn’t that thorough.

Tips & Tricks To Get The Most From Your Robot Mop

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (22)

With these devices, there are less physical tips and tricks to use than manual cleaning tools, but there are still some little hacks you can keep in mind to make your robot vacuum or mop your BFF.

Wet it first – Yes, the robot mop will be continually dripping or spraying water as it goes (unless you want dry mopping only), but it will take a while for the cleaning pad to get wet enough to mop. By then, it’s made a few passes of just dry mopping. So, to give it a head start, spray the mop pad with a cleaning solution or a water/vinegar solution before you turn on the machine.

  1. Stains need some TLC – No mopping robot will tackle sticky or dried-on stains as well as a mop. Please take a minute to spray some cleaner or vinegar solution on those spots to pre-treat and soften them up for easier removal.
  2. One room wonders aren’t bad – Some people are annoyed if they have to refill the water tank or change a cleaning pad between rooms. Don’t be. This is NOT a bad thing. By the time your robot’s done with a room, the pad will be saturated with dirt. If you let it go off into another room, it’s just going to drag the dirt along and be unable to pick up new grime.
  3. Nobody likes streaks – You’ll probably see a few, especially on darker floors. So, opt for fast-drying cleaning solutions & always use distilled water. The same goes for steam mops.
  4. Read that manual – For some robot mops, you must only put water or a specific cleaning solution into the water reservoir. Make sure you follow those directions. It could void the warranty otherwise. If you find it’s not cleaning well with plain water, try spraying an undiluted floor cleaner like Mop & Go on the cleaning pad to wet it first.

Things To Avoid

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (23)

We learn a lot from researching real customer reviews and testimonials. Homeowners care a lot about keeping their homes clean while holding down jobs and taking care of families. So anything that makes cleaning more comfortable and less costly is right up their alleys. They’re great about relating what works as well as what didn’t work. From reading these experiences, we’ve discovered a few things that robot mops don’t play nice with. Pay particular attention to these before you purchase and operate a robot mop, so you’re not out $200 – $800 for a broken hunk of plastic.

  • Wires

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (24)

    Most of us have several wires in our homes for electrical and mobile devices. We don’t think twice about leaving them where they are on the floor if they’re not tripping hazards. Robot mops, despite their “smart” technology, aren’t that smart. They’ll go right under the end table or behind the couch, where they can easily get tangled up in the wires.

    Then you may lose both robot wire AND your charging cord. Those with scrubbing rollers are especially bad at this. So, before you set your little mop loose, take a couple of minutes to get all electrical wires and charging cables off the floor where the robot may wander.

  • Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (25)

    Strings and Hair

    These pose a similar hazard to wires and cables but aren’t always as obvious. Have a look around. Pick up any stray tennis shoes, ribbons, play jewelry, yarn, etc.

    If you or your kids have long hair, make sure you’ve given your floor a good weekly/bi-weekly sweeping, so none of this stuff gets clogged up in your robot mop wheels or scrub rollers.

  • Stairs

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (26)

    Even the best high-tech robot mops with room mapping capabilities and drop off sensors can sometimes take a tumble down stairs. Carpeted stairs provide a better cushion, but any stairs have the potential of damaging your robot mop.

    The fall can also make dents in the stairs and wall on the way down. Consider blocking off stairs with a baby gate or pillows while the mop’s running for safety’s sake.

  • Carpeting

    Most robot mops are great with room mapping and virtual walls, so they’ll stay off the carpet and rugs. Others not so much.

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (27)

    Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra has Automatic Mop Lifting

    If you don’t want soppy rugs and a wet path through your carpet, you may want to pick up those rugs and block off carpeted areas with virtual walls or baby gates.

  • Pet Waste

    You may have come across one dad’s horrifically hilarious recounting of a run-in between a Roomba and a fresh pile of dog doo. He referred to the resulting mess as “a home that closely resembles a Jackson Pollock poop painting.”

    As we said before, robot mops and vacuums are smart(ish). They have one job, and that is cleaning your floor. They can’t quite determine which messes they need to leave to the warm-blooded primates with opposable thumbs. As admirable as their work ethic is, you don’t want to run your robot mop as you sleep only to wake up to a floor covered with dog mess.

    Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (28)

    Not All Robots Clean a Floor Covered in Dog Mess

    Of course, you can’t always control those accidents when you have pets, but if you have a puppy (or toddler) you’re potty-training or an incontinent older dog, consider NOT running the robot mop or vacuum while you’re asleep or gone. Sure it’s less convenient, but you’ll save yourself a late-night nightmare.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, a robot mop is a phenomenal investment in not only your space, but yourself. Your time is valuable, so why should you spend it exhausting yourself in a seemingly unending cycle of monotonous cleaning? Robot mops and other home cleaning robots help free you up to have more time to spend with your family, relaxing, on your hobbies, and so much more.

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (29)

As mentioned above, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra stands tall above competitors thanks to its powerful cleaning ability and wide array of features. However, for those looking for a more budget-focused model with a strict focus on mopping, the ILIFE Shinebot W400s is the perfect pick for you.

We hope this comprehensive breakdown of all things robotic mopping has been useful for you in navigating this fairly significant purchasing decision. Nobody wants to be excited to buy something, only to be disappointed once they actually have it. That’s where our extensive research and testing come in to help.

As a Cleanup Expert, I believe in helping homeowners and people who just want to make their cleaning routine easier. That’s why we’ve carefully tested and reviewed an array of cleaning appliances to showcase the very best that the market currently has to offer. Hopefully, my efforts can help you choose the right robot mop for you.

For additional reviews, articles, and advice surrounding all things home cleaning, check back often for more. If you have any questions at all concerning cleaning or anything mentioned on this list, feel free to drop them below in the comment section, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube for our latest posts and updates!

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (30)


Stephen A. Hanco*ck received his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Robotics Track) from University of Utah in 2004. Since then, he’s contributed to numerous articles and has been a consultant for many technical publications and websites.

Stephen A. Hanco*ck

Robotics Expert

Best Robot Mops of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide (2024)
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